Movers + Makers

The Arts & Business Council of Greater Boston (A&BC) holds an annual event that attracts hundreds of attendees from the arts, business, and legal sectors. Dubbed Martinis & Masterpieces (“M&M”) since 2008, the event—and the organization as a whole—has since evolved, and a new name and visual identity was required, one that would better reflect the diversity of their constituents and the range of art forms represented.

We renamed and rebranded the event “Movers & Makers,” a nod to the business leaders who serve the arts community and the creative entrepreneurs who make Boston a vibrant cultural destination. And the best part? The organization could keep the moniker “M&M” by which the event has been known since its inception.

Nailed it.



Brand Identity 


Collateral & Swag

A new look and feel that is poised to conquer all.

The A&BC and its constituents have fallen in love with the new visual identity. In fact, this rebranding has led to larger conversations about advancing the visual identity of the entire organization in the same direction. Stay tuned for an update later this year!

We believe in branding that reflects the values and ethos of the companies and founders with whom we work.

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